Machine Lady
Hours by Appointment
Aug 9 Love Your Featherweight Class
Fri, Aug 09
|Little Foot Quilt Shoppe
Featherweight Maintenance Class at Little Foot August 9, 12-3 Scroll down and click read more for more information and a supply list

Time & Location
Aug 09, 2019, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Little Foot Quilt Shoppe, 115 West Main Street, Evans City, PA
About the event
The class will take place at the Little Foot Quilt Shoppe on August 9th from Noon-4:00
The “Love Your Featherweight” will enable the owner of a vintage Singer Featherweight Sewing machine to have confidence when cleaning and maintaining their machine to keep it running well for years to come. We will discuss history of the featherweight machines as well as go over the basic oiling and maintenance that is required to keep the machines in top working order. We will also go over some common problems that are encountered with tensions and other aspects of the sewing machine.
Registration necessary. Prepayment is necessary. Cancellation will be refunded 50% up to 1 week prior to the class. No refunds given if cancellation is less than 1 week prior to the class.
Supplies Needed:
Please bring only one and only one functioning Singer 221 Sewing Machine, power cord, bobbin case and case (if the machine needs work, please call Kathy before the class to make a repair appointment) If you have a black and a white machine, the black is a better choice for this class. There is not time to do multiple machines during our class.
A large old towel to put on the table to protect the table while we work
A flashlight or small desk lamp for your table (In case the room lighting is not adequate)
Small rags to use for cleaning the machine and maybe some paper towels for your hands
Thread (light colored thread is best) - please wind a bobbin with the same thread before the class
Snips to cut the thread
Needle threader if you need one
Practice fabric (plain color, white or muslin work well) You need about 6 pieces that are 4x4 or a little bigger. We will use these to test tension and your stitch.
Tiny screw driver (to adjust tension)
Regular sized straight screwdriver to remove screws on the needle plate and spool pin
User manual if you have one
Extension Cord
Paper and pencil if you would like to take notes
As part of the class fee, you will be given oil, lubricant, brush, bed cushions, drip pan felt and a new needle. Your instructor will be bringing accessories for purchase including: Books, bobbins, LED bulbs, power cords, ¼” feet, walking feet for the Featherweight, and other feet and accessories.
Materials Fee: No additional fees will be charged for materials, but the students may wish to purchase items from the instructor.
Homework: Make sure that your Singer Featherweight is fully functional. If it is not in working condition, please contact Kathy Farra at 724-453-4449 to make an appointment to have the machine serviced before the class. We will not have time in this class to do major repairs on machines.
If it is raining the day of the class, put a plastic bag upside down over the top of the case and carry it by the handle with the bag on top and the hole in the bottom. This will protect the case from damage from the rain!
Love Your Featherweight Class
This ticket includes the class fee as well as the maintenance kit
$80.00Sale ended