We appreciate being invited to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. It’s always nice to visit new places and people. We had an excellent time serving the needs of Hampton Roads Featherweight community. We also met many vendors who were friendly and helpful getting us acclimated to this venue. We anticipate returning again next year.
Serveral people called my husband Mr. MachineLady, which was funny but also challenged his masculinity and made him feel like going to the gym and golfing rather than help me!
Several years had lapsed since a featherweight vendor had attended this event and we were able provide 221’s, 222’s, Toy machines and the hard to find parts and pieces that customers were looking for. The hit of the show were the Black Sew Steady tables.
We also made several contacts with guilds and customers who are interested in our Love Your Featherweight classes. Please contact us to get those classes scheduled.
Until next time,
The MachineLady